Finding a personal loan with bad credit can be challenging. Other than borrowing money from friends and family, where can you find the cash you need? If your poor credit rating is keeping you from getting the cash you need, you do have options. Individuals with poor credit histories or no credit histories are often turned down for conventional loans and low-interest rate credit cards. Often, they are lured into a situation with unconventional loans or left to pawn personal items, in order to get cash quickly.
In Comox, there is another solution – one that is flexible, with a fixed interest rate, and comes with a satisfaction guarantee – a car title loan from Approve Loan Now. Car title loans are good example of Comox bad credit loans. Title loans work differently than other types of loans, especially for those in the middle of financial hardship. Instead of running a credit check, we at Approve Loan Now does an appraisal on your lien-free vehicle and grants you a loan based on the value of your car. Bad credit and no credit is not a problem at all.
At Approve Loan Now, you can borrow money against your car title to secure a loan. You keep your car while you get the cash you need. With our affordable car title loans, you decide how much money to borrow and we’ll set up a payment plan to fit your budget.
When you apply for car title loans with Approve Loan Now, no credit check is required during the application process. This means that we will not have access to any information about your credit score or credit history and the approval for your loan will not be based on this information. The terms and conditions offered to you for the loan will also not be based on your credit score. Whether you have good credit, bad credit or no credit score you can be offered the same loan amount as your loan offer will be based on your car value.
When you need extra cash for bills, medical expenses, car repairs, groceries, or home repairs? We are here to help! Fill out our mini application for the loan that fits your cash loan needs. Apply now!